Monday, February 7, 2011

Fontan Pics Part 1

Pictures are out of order, more will come later i have 2 appts today so tonight i will post the good ones where he is healed. In the 1st Pic is me laying on the bed with Liam heading to OR since Liam booger wouldnt drink the loopy medicine, so i had to go in and hold him until he was out. The next photo was after Liam got out of surgery and we came in real quick to see him. 3RD PICTURE is Liams brother Jake who was not happy that Liam had surgery and eeg. NEXT Liam during his 24 hour EEG. Poor Liam all swelled up, he had no idea what was goin on as well as us with his brain bleed and swelling. Liam laying in bed with his heart buddy after surgery before siezure and Brain Bleed. The last of the Pictures were of Liam right out of Surgery, and the last ones were Liam in the Waiting room before surgery we were there too early to check in. Then we were waiting so he got to play with some toys. Then the last 2 were the day before surgery Pre Op day with his big Sissy eating lunch and being goofy.


Melynda said...

Thanks for the updates! WOW! What a long road he had. Glad hes doing better. Saw the pictures and hand to hold back tears. What a blessing. Hes looking pretty pink even in the cicu. Sending our prayers and love.

Melynda and Mariska

Liam Lockhart said...

Your Welcome,and Thank you! I feel so bad it went to saved post instead of posting!!I didn't even notice the pink until now! lol It was so hard seeing him that way after not having surgeries since he was 6 months old. Then the Brain Bleed and seizure caught us off guard, like a punch to the face! But i had faith and i knew he was a fighter,He is doing really well, i need to catch up to Mariska, I hope she is doing well

Smilen Champ said...

Hi Liam
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. U are such a brave courageous fighter, and hero. I was born with a rare bone disease, and I have had a lot of operations.
My site:

Melynda said...

Hows little Liam doing?

Melynda said...

Havent seen a post in a while. Hope life is just going by to fast to stop and write. =) Mariska is in rejection, but we caught it early. We're expecting baby number 2 also. Hope all is well with you and your family

Melynda and Mariska

Melynda said...

cant believe Liams fontan was a year ago!! HOpe all is well with your family. =)

Heart hugs

Melynda said...

Checking to see if you have posted anything. Your last post was a year ago?! wow time has flown by. Thinking of your family.

Heart hugs

We're going to orlando april 19-27 for Mariska's Make-a-wish trip

jan 31st 08

jan 31st 08
come on liam smile

theres a little one

Ribbet Ribbet

Ribbet Ribbet
There it is!!!