This summer is flying by fast! We been swimming and trying to stay cool. Liam has a little stuffy nose and having a hard time sleeping the last couple nights but today he has been sneezing the stuff i can't pull out with the suction. His Physical Therapy is coming up but i have been giving him lots of tummy time and now as soon as you put him on his tummy he rolls right to back, he doesn't want to be on his stomach at all!! Now to get him to roll from back to his tummy but i am sure with the Physical therapy he will be doing that before no time. We are going to be putting him in a jumper because he needs to get his legs strengthened up. I have lost my battery charger for the camera and will be posting pictures as soon as i find it. Here are some from last week of him eating and right before bedtime that i uploaded last week and haven't had the chance to put them up until now. Liam loves the pool and if you say Pool he gets really excited and kicks his legs, so we know he knows what pool means. Please pray that Liam's little stuffy nose doesn't turn into a full blown cold and he can sleep at night. Thanks for your continued prayers